This Sunday, 10:30-13:00 @ Magic Park, Arambol, Goa
Contact Improvisation Workshop
*Remembering we what we once knew*
In this workshop we will investigate the fundamentals of contact improvisation (weight sensing, establishing trust with a partner, counterbalance, giving/receiving weight, rolling point, playfulness) and how they relate to our early experiences in movement, body organization, and relating to one another. As children we were already practicing many of the basics of CI. learning CI, can therefore be a process of remembering rather than learing anew!
All levels and abilities are invited to participate!
Cost: 300 INR
I look forward to dancing with you!
More Info: +91 7350436757,
Contact Improvisation:
für Fortgeschrittittener-Anfän ger
für Fortgeschrittittener-Anfän
8 Wochen/ Weeks, 5. Jan -23. Feb, 2017
K77 Studio, Kastanienallee 77, 10435 Berlin 2HH 3OG
Spräche/Language: Deutsch/ English
Please register here:
In dem 8-wöchigen Kursblöcken erfahren wir spielerisch die Grundlagen der CI, dazu gehören das Gewicht spüren/wahrnehmen, mit Gegengewicht tanzen, Vertrauen
gewinnen, Gewicht geben/nehmen, Rolling Point, u.a. Ferner gehen wir auf die menschliche Körperorganisation und Entwicklung
ein. Da wir am Anfang unseres Lebens bereits viele Grundlagen von
CI nutzen, knüpfe ich im Unterricht an vorhandene Alltagserfahrungen an. Die Klasse ist sowohl für Anfänger als
auch für Fortgeschrittene, die ihr CI Basis
vertiefen wollen, geeignet.
During this 8-week course we will cover the basics of contact - weight sensing, establishing trust, counterbalance, giving/receiving weight, rolling point, etc. - as well as, the basics of human movement and development. We will consider whole-body coordination and the way in which we grew and developed in “contact" with others. Most of us were naturally practicing and playing with elements of CI as we grew, so I believe learning CI is more about remembering early ways of moving and interacting, rather than learning anew.
In addition for those who are interested this class will take CI into a more dynamic range. By practicing and refining our understanding of the known events (lift, rides, falls, etc), we enable ourselves to dive more deeply into the unknown events.
Preis/ Cost: 90 Euro frühvogel Preis (bis/until 1. Jan 2017)
Danach/ afterwards: 100-120 Euro (sliding scale)
Liz Erber: Ich habe über 15 Jahre Erfahrung als CI
Lehrerin und schätze jede Möglichkeit meine Leidenschaft für Tanz und CI mit Anderen zu teilen. Unterrichten vertieft auch mein Verständnis für den menschlichen Körper. Ich erhielt Bachelors in
Tanz, Theater, Chemie/Biologie und bin ausgebildet als Tanz- und somatische Pädagogin mit Hintergrund in Laban/ Bartenieff Bewegungsstudien, verschiedenen “Release-” und somatischen Techniken, Bewegungsanalyse, u.a.
Andrew Wass has been investigating CI for 20 years. He approaches CI from a compositional angle, looking to balance to intentional with the accidental. He has a Bachelors of Science in Biochemistry, and MA from the HZT in Solo/Dance/Authorship. Currently he is investigating improvisation through the lenses of phenomenology and mathematics. He is a member of the Lower Left Performance Collective. Past teaching posts include the Tokyo Contact Festival, Tanzfabrik's Performance Intensive, Freiburg CI festival, SFADI, WCCIF and others. He has performed with Scott Wells, Jess Curtis, Ray Chung, Nina Martin, and Nancy Stark Smith, u.a.
Liz Erber: Having taught CI for nearly 15 years, I am grateful for every opportunity to share my love of dance and CI with others while also deepening my understanding of the human body and human interaction. I hold degrees in dance, theater and chemistry/biology, and have a background in somatic education, Laban/Bartenieff studies, various release techniques, and movement analysis.
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