
CONTACT: Lerber@gmail.com                                                     


This Sunday, 10:30-13:00 @ Magic Park, Arambol, Goa

Contact Improvisation Workshop
*Remembering we what we once knew*

In this workshop we will investigate the fundamentals of contact improvisation (weight sensing, establishing trust with a partner, counterbalance, giving/receiving weight, rolling point, playfulness) and how they relate to our early experiences in movement, body organization, and relating to one another. As children we were already practicing many of the basics of CI. learning CI, can therefore be a process of remembering rather than learing anew!

All levels and abilities are invited to participate!
Cost: 300 INR

I look forward to dancing with you!

More Info: +91 7350436757, Lerber@gmail.com


CONTACT IMPROV Beginning-Intermediate
für Anfänger-Fortgeschrittene
with Liz Erber & Andrew wass

K77 Studio (Kastanienallee 77, 10435 Berlin)
Th./Do. 20:00 - 21:45
6. Jan - 24. Feb 2017
Early Bird bis/until 2. June = 75 -90 Euro
danach/afterwards = 90-100 €

Sprache/Language: English/Deutsch

“Jede Bewegung hat etwas mit Beziehung zu tun” - Beziehung zu sich selbst, der äußeren Welt oder Anderen (Peggy Hackney).CI kann uns zur Klarheit mit uns selbst (unserem Zentrum und unserer Intention) sowie mit Anderen führen. 

In dem 8-wöchigen Kurs erfahren wir spielerisch die Grundlagen der CI, dazu gehören auch das Gewicht spüren/wahrnehmen, mit Gegengewicht tanzen, Vertrauen gewinnen, Gewicht geben/nehmen, Rolling Point, u.a. Ferner gehen wir auf die menschliche Körperorganisation und Entwicklung ein. Da wir am Anfang unseres Lebens bereits viele Grundlagen von CI nutzen, knüpfe ich im Unterricht an vorhandene Alltagserfahrungen an.

Liz Erber: Ich habe fast 15 Jahre Erfahrung als CI Lehrerin und schätze ich jede Möglichkeit meinen Leidenschaft für Tanz und CI mit Anderen mitzuteilen. Unterrichten vertieft auch meinen Verständnis den menschlichen Körper. Ich erhielt Bachelors in Tanz, Theater, Chemie/Biologie und bin ausgebildet als Tanz und somatische Pädagogin mit eine Hintergrund in Laban/Bartenieff Bewegungsstudien, verschiedene “Release” und somatische Techniken, Bewegungsanalyse, u.a. Zudem bin ich als Performerin, Choreographin und Bewegungscoach beschäftig. 

Andrew Wass has been investigating CI for 20 years. He approaches CI from a compositional angle, looking to balance to intentional with the accidental. He has a Bachelors of Science in Biochemistry, and MA from the HZT in Solo/Dance/Authorship. Currently he is investigating improvisation through the lenses of phenomenology and mathematics. He is a member of the Lower Left Performance Collective. Past teaching posts include the Tokyo Contact Festival, Tanzfabrik's Performance Intensive, Freiburg CI festival, SFADI, WCCIF and others. He has performed with Scott Wells, Jess Curtis, Ray Chung, Nina Martin, and Nancy Stark Smith, u.a.

Kontakt: Liz Erber, Lerber@gmail.com, 0178/1879427, www.Lerber.com

“All Movement is relational” - in relation to ourselves, the outside world or others (Peggy Hackney).
The practice of CI can teach us how to connect more clearly to ourselves (to our centers and our intentions), the earth and others. And - it is fun and playful!
During this 8-week course we will cover the basics of contact - weight sensing, establishing trust, counterbalance, giving/receiving weight, rolling point, etc. - as well as, the basics of human movement and development. We will consider whole-body coordination and the way in which we grew and developed in “contact" with others. Most of us were naturally practicing and playing with elements of CI as we grew, so I believe learning CI is more about remembering early ways of moving and interacting, rather than learning anew.
Having taught CI for nearly 15 years, I am grateful for every opportunity to share my love of dance and CI with others while also deepening my understanding of the human body and human interaction. I hold degrees in dance, theater and chemistry/biology, and have a background in somatic education, Laban/Bartenieff studies, various release techniques, and movement analysis. 

Anmeldung/ Registration: Liz Erber, Lerber@gmail.com, 0178/1879427, www.Lerber.com


Class Schedule - Arambol, INDIA

DAY WORKSHOP - 27. Dec 10:00-16:00 Contact Improv Basics @ Love Temple, Arambol Beach, Goa, India, cost - 1000 Rps

SUNDAYS - CONTACT IMPROV CLASS + FOCUSED JAM, 10:00-13:00 @ Love Temple, Arambol Beach, Goa, India, cost - 400 Rps

MONDAYS - CONTACT IMPROV CLASS (17:00-18:30) + JAM (19:30-21:30) @ Love Temple, Arambol Beach, Goa, India, cost - 300 Rps

TUESDAYS - CORE DISCOVERY DANCE CLASS - Whole Body Connection from Core to Contact via the 6 Fundaments of Human and Evolutionary Movement @ Magic Park, Arambol, Goa India - Cost 350 Rps

WEDNESDAYSCONTEMPORARY & FREE DANCE, 20:00-22:00 @ Love Temple, Arambol Beach, Goa, India, cost - 300 Rps

SATURDAYS - CONTEMPORARY & FREE DANCE, 16:00-17:45 @ Love Temple, Arambol Beach, Goa, India, cost - 300 Rps
CORE DISCOVERY DANCE EVENING, 19:00-21:00 - Whole Body Connection from Core to Contact via the 6 Fundaments of Human and Evolutionary Movement @ Magic Park, Arambol, Goa India - Cost 350 Rps

FEB 9, 2014 - 18:00
Contact Improv Class at Sunday Jam - All levels

From Deep RELEASE 2 Dynamic Animal PLAY

SUNDAY JAM BERLIN | at MAUZ, Gewerbehof Hasenheide 9, 2nd backyard LEFT, 2nd floor, Berlin-Hermannplatz

The ability to let go, or release, in one moment, and then access bounding power in the next, is to me fundamental to the play and fun of contact. During the course of this class, we will travel from the practice of giving up control/letting go of time to fun, dynamic play in which we access our strength and power. 

EUR 14 for Class & Jam


Feb 18 - 24 Fuerteventura Contact Festival + CI Camp until March 4
website: http://canarian.contactfestival.info/

For teachers and workshops click here

CI Intermediate-Basics (with a somatic foundation)
Montags 18:00 - 20:15
10. March - 14. April (6 sessions)
28. April - 2. June 
15. Sept - 27. Oct
3. Nov - 15. Dec

K77 Studio, Prenzlauer Berg
Language/Sprache: English/Deutsch

These 6-week series are ideal for those who have had an introduction to the basics of contact improvisation and who are somewhat familiar with rolling point, counterbalance and giving-taking weight. We will continue to work with these basic concepts while focusing on finding the flow in our dance and within our individual bodies. Full-body integration/somatics are a part of every class. Breath work and a focus of movement into/out/through the center provide a foundation for individual movement alone and with a partner. These classes aim to build sharper contact improvisation skills and increased body awareness.

CONTACT: Lerber@gmail.com

Sat & Sun May 10 & 11 
11:00 - 17:00/  11:00 - 16:00
Moving into Writing <--> Writing into Moving 
Weekend Workshop @ K77 Studio

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Our bodies are a wealth of sounds, words, rhythms, stories and poems. During these eight sessions we will look to our bodies as the source of our writing, and in turn will allow our writing to influence our movement. We will explore free writing, prose, story, and at least one structured poetic form. Body-wise we will work with self-observation, as well as the observation of another, free movement, structured improvisations, space, form, and various movement qualities. Each participant will choose his/her direction of interest and develop a small work accordingly to share with the group at the end of the 8-weeks.

CONTACT: Lerber@gmail.com

Contact Improvisation Essentials - for Beginners
with Liz Erber

Mondays 20:30 - 22:30
16. Sept - 28. Okt.
K77 Studio, Berlin

Contact improvisation for beginners is a 7-week course covering the essentials of contact. Throughout the course we will focus on the play of contact and the pleasure of being in our bodies and dancing. Integrated into the course are also the basics of contemporary release technique, basic developmental movement patterns and a somatic approach to the body. We will practice tuning into ourselves, and giving up unnecessary effort/control while also learning to access our strength directly and efficiently. The essential CI skills to be explored in the 7 weeks are:

* Surrendering to the floor/gravity/our partner
* Establishing trust
* Listening with the body
* Counterbalance in motion
* Receiving-Offering weight
* Finding the flow
* Dancing, dancing, dancing!

Language: English and German.

65 - 85 € pay as you can
Registration: K77_Studio@yahoo.de
Tel (Liz): 0178 18 79427

Dieser Kurs ist für Anfänger und führt in die Grundlagen der Kontaktimprovisation ein. In jeder Klasse suchen wir die Spielfreude der Tanz und der Kontakt. Wir forschen die folgende Konzepten:

* Unterstutz der Boden und unsere Partner, die Susamenarbeit mit Erdanziehung
* Vertrauen etablieren
* Partnerbalance im Bewegung
* Gewicht nehmen/ geben
* Der Tanzfluss der Kontakt finden
* Widerstand und Nachgeben

Dieser Kurs ist auf Englisch und Deutsch unterrichtet werden. 



16. Sept - 28. Oct
Mondays - 18:00 -20:15
K77 Studio, Berlin

* All languages & styles*

delve into the creative process thru the moving-sounding body & writing

Cost: 80-100 Euro for 7 weeks (sliding scale)

Info & Registration: contact Liz Erber at dance@lerber.com

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Our bodies are a wealth of sounds, words, rhythms, stories and poems. During these eight sessions we will look to our bodies as the source of our writing, and in turn will allow our writing to influence our movement. We will explore free writing, prose, story, and at least one structured poetic form. Body-wise we will work with self-observation, as well as the observation of another, free movement, structured improvisations, space, form, and various movement qualities. Each participant will choose his/her direction of interest and develop a small work accordingly to share with the group at the end of the 8-weeks.


Wednesday, 2. October, Learning Journey - 10am
Contact Improvisation meets Applied Improvisation
AIN - Applied Improvisation Network International Conference


Contact Improvisation (CI) is a contemporary dance and improvisation form which arose in the early 1970s in the United States. It embodied many of the more revolutionary ideas that were emerging at this time: gender and racial equality, rejection of traditional gender roles, non-hierarchical communication and interaction, the breaking down of traditional physical boundaries, sharing, and being present to what each moment offers. The dance typically involves physical contact between two or more bodies, and gives particular emphasis to “trust” and “listening”.  There is no leader or follower, although dancers may play fluidly with these roles. Dancers often fall in towards one another while moving, so that the point of contact is always shifting (rolling point of contact). Together they share a common center-of-gravity.

Because CI is a physical form involving touch, it is important to pay attention and to honor one’s own feelings, limits and boundaries. It is often said that CI has no rules. If there would be but one rule, it would be “take care of yourself and your well-being.”

Like other forms of improvisation, CI can teach us many valuable lessons around communication, leadership and resilience.


Moving Drawing Writing
3 Fridays with Jenny Haack and Liz Erber
Friday 18. & 25.Oct  & 1. Nov

1 session 15 / 2 sessions 25 / 3 sessions 35 EUR
K77 Studio, Berlin • 12 - 15 Uhr / 12 - 3 pm.
please book in advance. Thank you.
mail@jennyhaack.de or lerber@gmail.com


CI CLASS - all levels
23. June, 18:00-19:30

Sunday Jam Berlin @ YogaRaumBerlin.de, Pfuelstr. 5, Entrance IV, Top Floor, 10997 Berlin

Gaging Effort: From deep release to the power we desire

Learning to let go - to release our full weight into the floor, or into a partner's body, can be one of the most challenging lessons of contact. Being able to let go, in conjunction with moments of effort or strength, enables us to work with the weight of the body and the power that it holds. We find momentum, deeper connection with another, almost effortlessly falls in and our of the floor, and the possibility of flying!

One of the first steps to finding deep release is to notice our habits: when we want to hold or take control. In this class we start by working with passive weight and movement ( i.e. being moved by a partner), giving us the chance to find full release and to notice when and where we hold. On the flip side of this, is the practice of working with the full weight of our partner. Through the course of the class we gradually increase our output of effort until we reach 100 percent. At this point we can gage how much effort or strength we want to work with. We will ask ourselves the questions: How much effort is required for a movement? How can I use my weight passively and actively in contact - in order to create connection, momentum, movement? 


8. April - 27. May
Mondays - 18:00 -20:15
K77 Studio, Berlin

* All languages & styles*

delve into the creative process thru the moving-sounding body & writing

Cost: 80-100 Euro for 8 weeks (sliding scale)

Info & Registration: contact Liz Erber at dance@lerber.com

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Our bodies are a wealth of sounds, words, rhythms, stories and poems. During these eight sessions we will look to our bodies as the source of our writing, and in turn will allow our writing to influence our movement. We will explore free writing, prose, story, and at least one structured poetic form. Body-wise we will work with self-observation, as well as the observation of another, free movement, structured improvisations, space, form, and various movement qualities. Each participant will choose his/her direction of interest and develop a small work accordingly to share with the group at the end of the 8-weeks.


    •    SUNDAY 3. & 17. March at 6:00-7:30pm

  • Sunday Jam Berlin @ YogaRaumBerlin.de, Pfuelstr. 5, Entrance IV, Top Floor, 10997 Berlin
  • The Sunday Jam Berlin has a spacious, open atmosphere with multiple classes and jams taking place each Sunday. Contact class runs from 18h to 19:30 and is followed by a jam. There is also an acro-yoga jam and typically a massage class or circle [UPSTAIRS].

    March 3rd:

    The Expanding Universe: from our Core to Outer Space
    Price: 13€ incl. Jam, Students 10€
    All Levels

    Our center is where it all started for us. As small babies we are initially organized around our naval center; one of our first movement patterns being that of radial expansion--expansion from the center out through our six limbs, and then the opposite movement of coming back into our center. 

    Even as we continue to develop and grow into adults, "naval radiation" remains an important underlying pattern of movement for us. Through naval radiation we connect easily to our central core and our breath, while also connecting out to the space around us and the spacial limits of our own body, our extremities. 

    In contact improvisation, the pattern of naval radiation abounds and helps us in a multitude of ways: concentrating our weight through our center into our partner's center; helping us to balance; opening up the space around us; creating more surfaces which our partner can use for dancing, his/her own balance, or as levers for initiating movement; bringing tone into the body and allowing for connection to any extremity to be a connection into the core. 

    In this class we physically familiarize/ re-familiarize ourselves with the pattern of radial expansion. We then spend time connecting from our center to our partner's center, and will explore the possibilities of expansion from our center, as well as pulling into our core and wrapping with the limbs. We will also work with connecting at the extremities as a way into the core. During the course of the class we will explore balance points and a few lifts.

    March 17th:
    SPINAL BLISS: from Head to Tail
    Price: 13€ incl. Jam, Students 10€
    All levels

    The spine, with its great variety of movement possibilities, is inherently playful by nature. In this course we re-discover our spine and the multitude of ways it can move us and be moved. We will spend time with the tail, discovering its autonomy as well as its connections; with the head - finding its autonomy as well as its release; and the full spine. We will allow the spine to reach, see and guide us into playful contact dances.


Tuesdays 18:15 - 20:15 
5. Feb - 5. March
New time and location soon to be announced for Spring 2013
Drop-ins Welcome!

an embodied historical survey of contemporary dance and movement
During these 5 classes we will dance, improvise, create, and observe ourselves in movement, as well as, others. The origins of various contemporary dance and body practices will be introduced, practiced and applied. Primary influences include: various modern & contemporary dance techniques, Bartenieff Fundamentals, LMA-Laban Movement Analysis, contact improvisation, Skinner Releasing, Authentic Movement, BMC, Capoeira, Viewpoints, as well as other improvisational and somatic practices. One of the primary aims of these classes is the development of body-based listening and understanding - being present with the body's actions, movements and needs. In addition we will explore inner-connectivity and will seek to find the most effective and easiest pathways of movement. With these goals in mind we will practice standard contemporary dance techniques, learn phrases, improvise and create.


Exploring Elements of Identity Using Augusto Boal's Games and Forum Theater

10:00 am - 1:00 pm

How do we define ourselves? What is our identity, or multiple identities? Are they fixed or fluid? Do they matter? How do they affect our lives in ways that we desire or don't desire? Do we play with them or play against them? This is a workshop that begins with Augusto Boal based games -- a number of which involve questions of identity and how we define ourselves. The games also help to create a playful, open environment, where sharing is encouraged. During the second half of the workshop participants define issues --particularly identity issues-- which they are facing or have faced. We will select several of these issues and then collect in groups around the selected issues. From here we create the Forum Theater. Each group will create a play/ performance featuring a protagonist that is confronted with the particular issue. Afterwards the observers, or SPECT-ACTORS, will discuss the issue. The performing group then shows their piece again, but this time any of the Spect-actors can say "stop" and jump in for the protagonist, offering a different way of dealing with the issue.

PLEASE EMAIL expatexpoworkshops@gmail.com to register for this workshop.

COST: only 5 Euro!

10:00 am - 1:00 pm

ETB (English Theatre Berlin) - Mainstage
Contact Improv, or CI, is a form of movement improvisation developed in the early 1970s involving shared weight and a rolling point of contact between two people, which enables the bodies to flow through space while lifting, falling, rolling and flying. In this intro workshop, we will learn about taking and receiving another's weight, counter-balance, how to move while "listening" and staying in contact with your partner, and the joy of improvisation - accepting the "now". We will work with partners but also together, moving as a group. No dance experience necessary and all levels of ability/dis-ability are welcome. Great for actors! Here is a video which will give you a better idea of what the form looks like:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql0ISYdCypQ

PLEASE EMAIL expatexpoworkshops@gmail.com to register for this workshop.

COST: Only 5 Euro!


Moving into Writing <--> Writing into Moving
Dienstags, 18:15-20:15, Nov 2012

ALL LANGUAGES WELCOME!                               

K77 Studio,  (Kastanienalle 77, HH 3OG, 10435 Berlin) 

-Free the body and the pen, leave aside expectation, and access the unexpected-

Cost: 40-55 Euro (sliding scale) for the 5-week series

Info & Registration: contact Liz Erber at lerber@gmail.com

· This course is designed for all levels, all languages, and all styles of writing.

· No dance or writing experience necessary, simply the desire to move and to put pen to paper.

Our bodies are a wealth of sounds, words, rhythms, stories and poems. During these four sessions we will look to our bodies as the source of our writing, and in turn will allow our writing to influence our movement. We will explore free writing, prose, story, and, at least one structured poetic form. Body-wise we will work with self-observation, as well as the observation of another, free movement, structured improvisations, space, form, and various movement qualities, such as rhythm and flow. For the final class each participant will choose his/her direction of interest and develop a small work accordingly to share with the group.

Liz aims to create a safe, encouraging environment, which allows the individual to open to her inner-impulses and inspirations. Participants are encouraged to share work, but not required. 

Cost: 40-50 Euro (sliding scale) for the 4-week series

Info & Registration: contact Liz Erber at lerber@gmail.comwww.Lerber.com



an embodied historical survey of contemporary dance and movement
5-week series, 2. Oct - 30. Oct
5-week series, 6. Feb - 6. March
Tuesdays 18:15 - 20:15

During these 5 classes we will dance, improvise, create, and observe ourselves in movement, as well as, others. The origins of various contemporary dance and body practices will be introduced, practiced and applied. Primary influences include: various modern & contemporary dance techniques, Bartenieff Fundamentals, LMA-Laban Movement Analysis, contact improvisation, Skinner Releasing, Authentic Movement, BMC, Capoeira, Viewpoints, as well as other improvisational and somatic practices. One of the primary aims of these classes is the development of body-based listening and understanding - being present with the body's actions, movements and needs. In addition we will explore inner-connectivity and will seek to find the most effective and easiest pathways of movement. With these goals in mind we will practice standard contemporary dance techniques, learn phrases, improvise and create.

Cost: 40-55 Euro (sliding scale) for the 5-week series

Info & Registration: contact Liz Erber at lerber@gmail.com


Upside Down, Backwards, and All Around at CI Samstag, Tanzfabrik Berlin
20. October, 10:00 - 24:00                              

Wir möchten Euch einladen, zu einem ganzen Tag ‚Contact Improvisation’ zusammenzukommen.
Ein Festivaltag mit Contact Klassen, exzellenten Contact LehrerInnen, Jam am Abend, Bio Essen, Chill Out, Lecture, Bücher Jam, Gepräche und Diskussionen – Zeit für Contact.
Treffen, lernen, austauschen und    tanzen!
This is an invitation to come together for a full day of Contact Improvisation.
One festival day with  CI classes, outstanding CI teachers, evening jam, organic food, chill out, lecture, book jam, discussions –
a place to meet, learn, exchange and  
20. Oktober 2012
STUDIO 4 & 3
10:00     Ankommen und Anmeldung /
              arrival and registration

10:30     gemeinsamer Anfang / Circle

11-13     Elske Seidel (GER)
‘Gravity Rocks’
              (all levels)
11-19  “Books on the Move”
  Agnès Benoit-Nader
14-16     Heike Kuhlmann (GER)
‘Bone, Breath & Belly Bottom’
             (all levels)

14:30-   Andrea Keiz (GER)
Perception as Movement Resource’
16:30    (advanced)
13-17    Organic Food
Gesine Daniels
17-19   Liz Erber (USA)‘Upside Down, Backwards and All          Around’
            (all levels)
17      LECTURE
 Dr. J. Lemmer Schmidt
‚Im Contact mit der Gegenwart durch Flow-Erleben und Achtsamkeit’
19-22      JAM JAM JAM !

life music by Barnaby Tree
and hosted by Gabriele Reuter &  Elske Seidel
Preis / price:Frühbucherpreis/ early booking € 55  (incl. lunch) bis 19.9. / until  9/19
später/ later € 65 (incl. lunch)
Elske Seidel / elskeseidel@hotmail.com  +  www.improtanz.de
Volles Programm & Online Anmeldung / online registration:www.tanzfabrik-berlin.de/workshops.php
Ort/ location:Tanzfabrik Berlin
Möckernstrasse 68
10965 Berlin
Jeden Samstag Abend Contact JAM in der Tanzfabrik Berlin!Every Saturday night Contact Jam in Tanzfabrik Berlin

Contact Meets Tango
Workshop November 26th 11:00-19:00
Schöneberg, Berlin
registration: Anke Uhlmann    abaerlin@t-online.de

TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010

Moving into Writing - Writing into Moving
Facilitated by Liz Erber
4-week series: July 12th - Aug 2nd, 2010 Mon. 6-8pm
Cost: 32 euro/ 8 euro per class

10 person limit, please register as soon as possible

This course is designed for all levels. No dance or writing experience necessary, simply the desire to move and put pen to paper. All styles of writing welcome!

In this series we will create an intimate and safe space for the exploration of body/movement, writing and the intersection of the two. Each session will begin with a physical warm-up as well as a writing warm-up. We will use body explorations derived from anatomy, imagery and developmental patterns of movement as a jumping off point for our writing. From our writing we return to body/movement, and back and forth. We will work individually, in partners and sometimes share our work in unique scores involving reading, movement and writing. Course structure is flexible so as to fit to the needs and interests of the group.

Be prepared to look inside yourself! Many of the explorations involve tuning into our own bodies, awakening to sensations new and old. Our bodies contain a wealth of memory, images, poems, stories, narratives...we will tap into these.

The structures we will explore are great for developing: body-awareness, a unique voice, writing, performance work, choreography. We will work in a diversity of ways so that we have the chance to explore different ways of working and sourcing our voice.


More Specifics on Moving into Writing:

We begin each class with a physical warm-up that draws from Bartenieff Fundementals (developmental patterns of movement), Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) and various releasing and improvisational techniques. The warm-up is designed to engage the breath and the full body, as well as connect our inner and outer worlds, so that our movement and thoughts become more fully integrated/ connected. By freeing and opening the channels in our body, we awaken our senses and our keen sense of perception, thus making us more available to experience the moment and the sensations/thoughts that naturally arise. It is from this place that we explore, dance, write, make discoveries, and enter into the creative realm where the imagination is free to wander unhindered.

Writing wise we will engage in short free-writes, observational writes of ourselves and others, and other writing that parallels our movement practice (i.e. working with rhythm and the sound of our words.) One of my primary focuses in the class is the experience of sensation; firstly perceiving the sensation in our bodies and then, secondly bringing the experience of the sensation to words. We may start with describing a sensation in a concrete physical way, however our experience of a sensation is often much more complex; feelings or emotions may arise, an image or story could come to mind, or a memory could be awakened.

There is the possibility to take the writing in many different directions. For example, we could work with character/voice, move more towards poetic forms or stick to very free form writing. How I lead or shape the class is dependent on the interests and motivations of those involved. In general, we will put little focus or weight on final product. During our two hours together, my hope is to engage the imagination and to get us moving and writing. I want to avoid qualifying what we do as good or bad, and move away from the self-editors that we are all accustomed to living with. My hope is that you come away inspired to write and dance more.