Contact Impro

I lead classes and workshops in CI (Contact Improvisation) to people of all ages. Please scroll down for information on upcoming workshops and classes.

A video from June 2007, which I made for young students as an example of what CI is.
Dancers: Liz Erber and Cyrus Khambatta
Location: Grassroots Studio, Seattle, WA, USA


Contact Improvisation (CI) is a contemporary dance and improvisation form which arose in the early 1970s in the United States. It embodied many of the more revolutionary ideas that were emerging at this time: gender and racial equality, rejection of traditional gender roles, non-hierarchical communication and interaction, the breaking down of traditional physical boundaries, sharing, and being present to what each moment offers. The dance typically involves physical contact between two or more bodies, and gives particular emphasis to “trust” and “listening”.  There is no leader or follower, although dancers may play fluidly with these roles. Dancers often fall in towards one another while moving, so that the point of contact is always shifting (rolling point of contact). Together they share a common center-of-gravity.

Because CI is a physical form involving touch, it is important to pay attention and to honor one’s own feelings, limits and boundaries. It is often said that CI has no rules. If there would be but one rule, it would be “take care of yourself and your well-being.”

About me and contact:
I have been practicing CI for nearly 15 years and teaching for over 10. CI is for me, a way of connecting, sharing, playing, expressing, finding self and self-healing. Teaching is a way of learning. Informative to my CI practice has been my background in somatics and release (Bartenieff Fundamentals, Laban  Movement Analysis, Skinner Releasing), contemporary dance, and performance. CI has likewise informed my work in all of these areas.

* Upcoming Classes/Workshops!*

Contact Improvisation for Beginners
Donnerstags 20:00-21:45
K77 Studio (Kastanienallee 77, 2.HH 3.OG 10435 Berlin)
Drop-in Classes

Next Session: 9. June - 21. July
mit Liz Erber 

Early Bird bis/until 2. Juni = 75-90 € 
danach/afterwards = 90-110 €

Sprache/Language: English/Deutsch

“Jede Bewegung hat etwas mit Beziehung zu tun” - Beziehung zu sich selbst, der äußeren Welt oder Anderen (Peggy Hackney).CI kann uns zur Klarheit mit uns selbst (unserem Zentrum und unserer Intention) sowie mit Anderen führen. 

In dem 7-wöchigen Kurs erfahren wir spielerisch die Grundlagen der CI, dazu gehören auch das Gewicht spüren/wahrnehmen, mit Gegengewicht tanzen, Vertrauen gewinnen, Gewicht geben/nehmen, Rolling Point, u.a. Ferner gehen wir auf die menschliche Körperorganisation und Entwicklung ein. Da wir am Anfang unseres Lebens bereits viele Grundlagen von CI nutzen, knüpfe ich im Unterricht an vorhandene Alltagserfahrungen an.

Liz Erber: Ich habe fast 15 Jahre Erfahrung als CI Lehrerin und schätze ich jede Möglichkeit meinen Leidenschaft für Tanz und CI mit Anderen mitzuteilen. Unterrichten vertieft auch meinen Verständnis den menschlichen Körper. Ich erhielt Bachelors in Tanz, Theater, Chemie/Biologie und bin ausgebildet als Tanz und somatische Pädagogin mit eine Hintergrund in Laban/Bartenieff Bewegungsstudien, verschiedene “Release” und somatische Techniken, Bewegungsanalyse, u.a. Zudem bin ich als Performerin, Choreographin und Bewegungscoach beschäftig. 

Kontakt: Liz Erber,, 0178/1879427,

“All Movement is relational” - in relation to ourselves, the outside world or others (Peggy Hackney).
The practice of CI can teach us how to connect more clearly to ourselves (to our centers and our intentions), the earth and others. And - it is fun and playful!
During this 8-week course we will cover the basics of contact - weight sensing, establishing trust, counterbalance, giving/receiving weight, rolling point, etc. - as well as, the basics of human movement and development. We will consider whole-body coordination and the way in which we grew and developed in “contact" with others. Most of us were naturally practicing and playing with elements of CI as we grew, so I believe learning CI is more about remembering early ways of moving and interacting, rather than learning anew.
Having taught CI for nearly 15 years, I am grateful for every opportunity to share my love of dance and CI with others while also deepening my understanding of the human body and human interaction. I hold degrees in dance, theater and chemistry/biology, and have a background in somatic education, Laban/Bartenieff studies, various release techniques, and movement analysis. 

Anmeldung/ Registration: Liz Erber,, 0178/1879427,

1. Okt - 10. Dez 2015 (10 x)
Do./Thurs. 20:00 - 21:45 

K77 Studio, Kastanienalle 77, 10435 Berlin


mit Liz Erber & Gesine Daniels

Early Bird bis/until 21. Sept = 100 € 

danach/afterwards = 120 €

Sprache/Language: English/Deutsch

Schon am Anfang unserer Lebens nutzen wir die Grundlagen des Kontakts: wir gehen auf die Berührung von Anderen ein, erden uns in den uns unterstützenden Armen, nutzen unser Körpergewicht beim Ziehen und Drücken, spielen und forschen. Daher geht es in der Contact Improvisation nicht darum eine neue Bewegungstechnik zu erlernen, sondern eher darum sich an unsere frühkindlichen Bewegungsmuster und dem Spiel mit Gewicht und anderen Menschen zu erinnern. Die Klasse ist sowohl für Anfänger als auch für Fortgeschrittene, die tiefer in die frühkindlichen Bewgunsgmuster eintauchen wollen, geeignet.

During our early developmental stages most of us are already practicing the basics of contact: responding to touch, moving into or away from the touch, grounding into the surface or arms that support us, pushing and pulling with our weight, playing and discovering. Contact improvisaiton is not so much about learning a new form, as it is remembering the movements and our use of weight that came to us naturally at birth and as we grew. This class is ideal for beginners and people with more experience who are interested in the developmental approach. Come discover and play!

Anmeldung/ Registration: Liz Erber,, 0178/1879427,
Gesine Daniels,

25. October Sunday Jam Class, 19:00 - 20:30
Marameo, Neue Rosstr. 4-5 10179 Berlin


5 tägiges Contact-Festival, 2 Intensives, 6 Workshops zu unterschiedlichen Themen, morgendliches Yoga und Pilates, Jams mit Live-Musik, fokussierteJams, leckeres biologisches Essen …
Preise: 210€ und Early-Bird: 180€ bis zum 30.September 2015
(inklusive Intensive, Workshops, vegetarischem Bio-Essen...)
mehr Infos:
Teacher Team:
Intensives with: Mirva Mäkinen (Fi) und Ka Rustler (D)
Workshops with: Heike Pourian (Nürnberg), Kai Kaldrack (Osnabrück), Liz Erber (Berlin), Matthias Früh (Bremen), Vega Katri Luukkonen, (Berlin)

FEB 9, 2014 - 18:00
Contact Improv Class at Sunday Jam - All levels

From Deep RELEASE 2 Dynamic Animal PLAY

SUNDAY JAM BERLIN | at MAUZ, Gewerbehof Hasenheide 9, 2nd backyard LEFT, 2nd floor, Berlin-Hermannplatz

The ability to let go, or release, in one moment, and then access bounding power in the next, is to me fundamental to the play and fun of contact. During the course of this class, we will travel from the practice of giving up control/letting go of time to fun, dynamic play in which we access our strength and power. 

EUR 14 for Class & Jam
Feb 18 - 24 Fuerteventura Contact Festival + CI Camp until March 4

For teachers and workshops click here

CI Intermediate-Basics (with a somatic foundation)

Montags 18:00 - 20:15
10. March - 14. April (6 sessions)
28. April - 2. June 
15. Sept - 27. Oct
3. Nov - 15. Dec

K77 Studio, Prenzlauer Berg
Language/Sprache: English/Deutsch

These 6-week series are ideal for those who have had an introduction to the basics of contact improvisation and who are somewhat familiar with rolling point, counterbalance and giving-taking weight. We will continue to work with these basic concepts while focusing on finding the flow in our dance and within our individual bodies. Full-body integration/somatics are a part of every class. Breath work and a focus of movement into/out/through the center provide a foundation for individual movement alone and with a partner. These classes aim to build sharper contact improvisation skills and increased body awareness.


Contact Improvisation Essentials - for Beginners
with Liz Erber

Mondays 20:30 - 22:30
16. Sept - 28. Okt.
K77 Studio, Berlin

Contact improvisation for beginners is a 7-week course covering the essentials of contact. Throughout the course we will focus on the play of contact and the pleasure of being in our bodies and dancing. Integrated into the course are also the basics of contemporary release technique, basic developmental movement patterns and a somatic approach to the body. We will practice tuning into ourselves, and giving up unnecessary effort/control while also learning to access our strength directly and efficiently. The essential CI skills to be explored in the 7 weeks are:

* Surrendering to the floor/gravity/our partner
* Establishing trust
* Listening with the body
* Counterbalance in motion
* Receiving-Offering weight
* Finding the flow
* Dancing, dancing, dancing!

Language: English and German.

65 - 85 € pay as you can
Tel (Liz): 0178 18 79427

Dieser Kurs ist für Anfänger und führt in die Grundlagen der Kontaktimprovisation ein. In jeder Klasse suchen wir die Spielfreude der Tanz und der Kontakt. Wir forschen die folgende Konzepten:

* Unterstutz der Boden und unsere Partner, die Susamenarbeit mit Erdanziehung
* Vertrauen etablieren
* Partnerbalance im Bewegung
* Gewicht nehmen/ geben
* Der Tanzfluss der Kontakt finden
* Widerstand und Nachgeben

Dieser Kurs ist auf Englisch und Deutsch unterrichtet werden. 


Wednesday, 2. October, Learning Journey - 10am
Contact Improvisation meets Applied Improvisation
AIN - Applied Improvisation Network International Conference

Contact Improvisation (CI) is a contemporary dance and improvisation form which arose in the early 1970s in the United States. It embodied many of the more revolutionary ideas that were emerging at this time: gender and racial equality, rejection of traditional gender roles, non-hierarchical communication and interaction, the breaking down of traditional physical boundaries, sharing, and being present to what each moment offers. The dance typically involves physical contact between two or more bodies, and gives particular emphasis to “trust” and “listening”.  There is no leader or follower, although dancers may play fluidly with these roles. Dancers often fall in towards one another while moving, so that the point of contact is always shifting (rolling point of contact). Together they share a common center-of-gravity.

Because CI is a physical form involving touch, it is important to pay attention and to honor one’s own feelings, limits and boundaries. It is often said that CI has no rules. If there would be but one rule, it would be “take care of yourself and your well-being.”

Like other forms of improvisation, CI can teach us many valuable lessons around communication, leadership and resilience.
♥ Welcome ♥
GOA Contactfestival 13.1.-19.1.2013 INDIA

Registration opens 3.October 2012

Intensives: Angela Doni, Paul Singh and Iiris Raipala...!

Class-Teachers: David Poznanter, Irene Sposetti, Johan Nilsson, Liz Erber, Divya Sharma, Katri Luukkonen, Erica Kaufman, Abhilash Ningappa, Linda Priha, Rakesh Sukesh...!


It is the 4th year that we gather again in the paradise beach of Arambol . Dancers, performers, artists and travelers from more than 30 countries will join us to celebrate the Goa Contact Festival. The festival venue is located just by the beach, sound of the waves accompanies our dance. The heartful athmosphere is created through sharing the dance, live music, yoga, mantrasinging and delicious food .
Goa Contact festival is an unique chance to meet our Indian friends on a platform of dance, music, artistic exchange and performance, to honour and celebrate their lives as contemporary dancers in India and to share our cultural and artistic knowledge with each other. The emphasize this year will be both on workshops and high quality performance-evening with an international artistic co-operation.

A scholarship program for Indian dancers and choreographers mentored by Abhilash Ningappa will take place within the Festival from 9th to 19th January 2013 . This program offers young dancers and choreographers from the Indian dance community focusing on international exchange of ideas and knowledge through training and discussions. 


* Past Workshops!*

Contact Samstag in der Tanzfabrik!20. Oktober 2012

Wir möchten Euch einladen, zu einem ganzen Tag ‚Contact Improvisation’ zusammenzukommen.

Ein Festivaltag mit Contact Klassen, exzellenten Contact LehrerInnen, Jam am Abend, Bio Essen, Chill Out, Lecture, Bücher Jam, Gepräche und Diskussionen – Zeit für Contact.Treffen, lernen, austauschen und    tanzen!

This is an invitation to come together for a full day of Contact Improvisation.

One festival day with  CI classes, outstanding CI teachers, evening jam, organic food, chill out, lecture, book jam, discussions –

a place to meet, learn, exchange and    dance!
20. Oktober 2012
STUDIO 4 & 3
10:00     Ankommen und Anmeldung /
              arrival and registration

10:30     gemeinsamer Anfang / Circle

11-13     Elske Seidel (GER)
‘Gravity Rocks’
              (all levels)
11-19  “Books on the Move”
  Agnès Benoit-Nader
14-16     Heike Kuhlmann (GER)
‘Bone, Breath & Belly Bottom’
             (all levels)

14:30-   Andrea Keiz (GER)
Perception as Movement Resource’
16:30    (advanced)
13-17    Organic Food
Gesine Daniels
17-19   Liz Erber (USA)‘Upside Down, Backwards and All          Around’
            (all levels)
17      LECTURE
 Dr. J. Lemmer Schmidt
‚Im Contact mit der Gegenwart durch Flow-Erleben und Achtsamkeit’
19-22      JAM JAM JAM !

life music by Barnaby Tree

and hosted by Gabriele Reuter &  Elske Seidel

Preis / price:Frühbucherpreis/ early booking € 55  (incl. lunch) bis 19.9. / until  9/19

später/ later € 65 (incl. lunch)


Elske Seidel /  +
Volles Programm & Online Anmeldung / online

Ort/ location:Tanzfabrik Berlin

Möckernstrasse 68

10965 Berlin
Jeden Samstag Abend Contact JAM in der Tanzfabrik Berlin!Every Saturday night Contact Jam in Tanzfabrik Berlin


Contact Meets Tango
Workshop November 26th 11:00-19:00
Schöneberg, Berlin
registration: Anke Uhlmann

Welcoming in Autumn - Sunday Contact Improv Intensive
 for beginning to intermediate levels
Sunday September 25, 2011  11–18:00
K77 Studio – Kastanienalle 77

Autumn is a time of reflection. A time of quiet. A time to tune in to ourselves and the world around us.

We begin with subtle listening - listening to our own bodies and our environment. We invite in the present moment. From here we continue exploring some basic CI concepts: 

* Surrendering to gravity           * Sensing through touch
* Establishing trust                     * Finding the flow
* Rolling point of contact           * Counterbalance in motion
* Taking/receiving weight          * Giving/offering weight
* Listening to inner/outer impulse

Cost: 49 Euro
Registration: Liz Erber (facilitator),
More info:
Language/ Unterricht Sprache: English and Deutsch